Sunday, September 25, 2011

Civ2 strategy - Stay small but get wonders quick

For the ardent Civ2 fanatic, playing anything other the Deity level is just not worth it. One of the strategies I find works best is to keep your empire small but quickly racking up the wonders. I have managed to have an exceptionally powerful empire with only one city when going with the English and building just London. But to make this work you must at all costs build the following wonders:

The Colossus
Copernicus' Observatory
Isaac Newton's College
Shakespeare's Theatre

Also if you can add The Great Library and King Richard's Crusade you it will make your task that much easier. This city will essentially be equivalent to three or four average cities and will put you in good stead to stay ahead in the sciences.

The strategy should be get Shakespeare's theatre ASAP and go for the Democratic system, you will then be advancing through the sciences at an exceptional rate, be sure to put your luxury rate up to get your city to its maximum size quickly.

I prefer playing with no spaceships and to be honest if you don't do this you are unlikely to stand a chance as the other civs will just beat you to it due their size. The strategy has to be total military domination by building a huge offensive army, lets say 25 howitzers with another 5 armors, with this you can begin an invasion of the other civs and take over 4 or 5 cities in the initial strike, then we you take over these new cities you should get them producing military units ASAP, within a few turns you could easily have a force big enough to take over the other civs. This game playing style is exciting, as you see this one city soon expanding and taking over 10-20 city civs in as little as 10 turns.

You will never win using one city by the point system, as the population is just too small. It is also very important to get your trade routes established quickly to increase your city's trade and also this will allow you excel in the sciences with speeding up the discoveries every time a caravan arrives at a city, as always the bigger and further the cities are the better the returns. Also you might want to consider changing the terrain to mines to give you huge resource capacity but do this when nearing the end of discoveries.

Try this strategy out if you haven't already and let me know how you get along or if you have own tips on playing one city civs let me know.

Share your own Civ2 strategies by posting a comment or by emailing me on and I will hopefully post it.